英語メモ: H.G.Widdowson, Discourse Analysis

~Thus, participants in spoken interaction produce and process text as they go along and there is no need for it to be retained as a record for it to mediate their discourse, and this mediation is regulated on-line to negotiate whatever convergence between intention and interpretation is required for the purpose.

H.G.Widdowson, Discourse Analysis, (OUP), p.7

同著者はこのシリーズの Linguistics も読んだけど、すごく綺麗に音に出来て、入り組んで解りづらいところもサラッと流して読めるんだけど、解ってないものはやっぱり解ってないので何度も読み返す事になる。

Written text, on the other hand, is not jointly constructed and construed on-line in this way. It is typically designed and recorded unilaterally in the act of production by one of the participants, the writer, as a completed expression of the intended message. The text is then taken up and interpreted as a separate process. The mediation, therefore, is delayed and this obviously will often make a convergence between intention and interpretation more difficult to achieve.


日向先生が先日 Widdowson の名前を挙げておられて気になって、とりあえず買うだけ買っておいた本書を引っ張り出して読んでいるワケなのであります。