【読書メモ】Oliver Sacks: The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat

6月13日 The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat

Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat Picador USA https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0330523627/ef=cm_sw_r_tw_awdo_0YIxxbTAVZ586… @amazonJPから
posted at 12:48:43

The man mistook fis wife for a hat の章を読んだ。
posted at 19:21:41

"But it must be said from the outset that a disease is never a mere loss or excess - that there is always a reaction, on the part of the affected organism or individual, to restore, to replace, to compensate for, to preserve its identity, however strange the means may be: ...This was powerfully stated by Ivy McKenzie:
For what is it that constitutes a 'disease entity' or a 'new disease'? The physician is concerned not, like the naturalist, with a wide range of organisms theoretically adapted in an average way to an average envirnment, but with a single organism, the human subject, striving to preserve its identity in adverse circumstances."



"All of us, at first, had high hopes of helping Jimmie - he was so personable, so likeable, so quick and intelligent, it was difficult to believe that he might beyond help. But none of us ever encounterd, even imagined, such a power of amnes a, the possibility of a pit into which everything, every experience, every event, would fathomlessly drop, a bottomless memory hole that would engulf the whole world."


The Lost Mariner 読んだ。



The Disembodied Lady の章を夕方に読んだ。
proprioception をまるごと喪失した人のお話。

4. The man who fell out of bed 読んだ。
posted at 00:16:28